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News and Letters

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  • Principal’s End of Term 2 Message

    Published 31/03/23

    Dear Parents/Carers

    Please click on the link below to watch the Principal’s End of Term Video to parents.

    Principal’s End of Term Message

    We hope you have an enjoyable Easter break.

    Kind regards

    Co-op Academy Priesthorpe

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  • Year 11 Basket Ball and Year 7 Football Success!

    Published 17/03/23

    We took the Year 11 Basket ball team and the Year 7 football team to play fixtures against The Grange.

    The Basket ball team won their game 24-17 and the Year 7 footballers won 4-1!

    A huge well done to both teams and here is our Year 11 team pictured with their coach Mr Langston.

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  • Principal’s End of Term Message

    Published 16/12/22

    Dear Parents/Carers

    Please click on the link below to watch the Principal’s End of Term Video to parents.

    Principal’s End of Term Message

    We hope you have an enjoyable Christmas break!

    Kind regards

    Co-op Academy Priesthorpe

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  • Post 16 Open Evening, Wednesday 9th November 2022

    Published 09/11/22

    We are excited to invite you to our annual Post 16 Open Evening, on Wednesday 9th November 2022. It is the perfect opportunity to see our Academy in action from 6-8pm! Meet subject specialists, find out about the courses we have on offer, and explore the enrichment opportunities that develop vital skills outside of the classroom.

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  • GCSE success for Syrian student, Abdul

    Published 30/08/22

    Abdul Hamzeh arrived at Co-op Academy Priesthorpe in Year 8 after fleeing Syria and gaining refugee status in the U.K. Abdul and his family had finally been granted the freedom of feeling safe again.

    From the moment he joined, Abdul has been an exemplary young man. His humility epitomised by him when stating once he arrived in Year 8 what he was grateful for: he was just glad him and his family could eat more than once per day again. 

    He started to learn English as soon as he arrived, primarily to help translate for his family as they looked to settle in their new home. Whilst this was a pure lifeline for his family, it also gave him the foundation for gradually working his way through the new language. His effort and hard work combined perfectly when his mature and thoughtful insight in an English lesson was witnessed by the Head of Department and she promptly requested he was moved into top set. Abdul was equally valued and respected by his peers and teachers and was proud to work hard and contribute anything he could in all his lessons. 

    At the start of his Year 11 he addressed the full staff body on training day to share his experience of fleeing Syria. He did so with gravitas beyond his years, detailing traumatic events he and his family had survived. He spoke proudly of his heritage and spoke with strength regarding his struggles.

    When filled with nerves before addressing the staff he spoke of knowing he would be anxious but also that what scared him challenged him, and he would never pass the chance to challenge himself when offered – and each and every time it’s with a permanent smile on his face.

    The English teacher that recruited him to move up into her class comments:

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  • Co-op Academies Trust – REACH Awards

    Published 10/08/22

    12 of our Year 9 students recently visited Co-op Academy Manchester for the Co-op Academies Trust REACH Awards.

    They were celebrating this success in completing the REACH Project. The project is designed to support students to develop their understanding of the world of work and help develop their employability skills. 

    Co-op Academy Priesthorpe worked in partnership with Faithful and Gould who provided students with the opportunity to visit their workplace, take part in work related activities and have 1-1 careers mentoring.

    Thank you to all that took part and congratulations to the following students!

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  • Train to Teach with Co-op Academies

    Published 11/02/22

    Andy Gibson- Head of Early Career Framework with Initial Teacher Training

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  • Blood Brothers Auditions

    Published 25/01/22

    This July we will be presenting a live theatre performance of the comedy-tragedy play BLOOD BROTHERS. There will be two public performances to an audience and possibly a matinee performance to local primary schools. 

    Would you like to be involved in this project? 

    We are looking for students from Y7 – 10 to take part in this exciting opportunity to star in Co-op Academy Priesthorpe’s first theatre production in over 3 years! 

    Rehearsals will be every THURSDAY until 3:50pm – some main parts may also need additional time to rehearse.

    If you are interested in auditioning for a part or would like more information, please come after school on 

    THURSDAY 27th JANUARY (2:50pm – 3:50pm) to D5  to find out more! 

    Mr Ashley

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  • Your Voice 2021 – You Said, We Will

    Published 19/01/22

    Thank you for taking the time to complete our November 2021 survey! We’ve created a summary to let you know the key findings and how we plan on making improvements and changes over the next 12 months.

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  • Term 1 Newsletter

    Published 16/12/21

    Welcome to our end of Term 1 Newsletter! Students have worked incredibly hard and we’re proud to celebrate some of their great achievements.

    Year 10 PwC Visit

    Following on from a skills session with PwC, a group of year 10’s visited the company’s offices in Leeds city centre. They were given a chance to experience what it is like to work for the company and were given a project brief where they had to create and deliver a presentation in small groups to the company’s representatives. The PwC representatives were very impressed with the effort of the students and the high standard of presentations that were delivered!

    Year 7 Christmas Creativity!

    Year 7 students have been producing Christmas baubles using acrylic and printing techniques, and sold them for the MND Association as part of their lessons around Enterprise. Their baubles are based on the artists Hockney and Hundertwasser!


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  • Goodbye Year 13​​​​​​​

    Published 15/06/21

    A huge ‘well done’ and ‘goodbye’ to our wonderful Year 13 students. They have shown great determination, commitment and resilience and we are extremely sad to see them go. We have watched these students grow and develop in confidence through an incredibly difficult two years and we only wish their time with us had not been cut short due to Covid-19. We wish them all the luck in the world as they venture onto the next stages in their lives. 

    To our Year 13’s, we hope that you look back on your time with us and cherish the memories and friendships that you have made here. We are extremely proud of you all. Goodbye and Good Luck!

    Miss Brigham, Miss Jackson and Mrs Brennan.

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  • Show your Pride at Priesthorpe!

    Published 14/06/21

    June is Pride month and we’re celebrating with staff and students.

    • ‘Why celebrate Pride?’ assembly – Thursday 17th June
    • Design a T-shirt competition! The winning T-shirt will be printed and sold with proceeds supporting LGBTQ+ charities.
    • Pride Library available for staff and students, to promote and improve the visibility of LGBTQ+ authors and celebrate the books that changed the lives of LGBTQ+ people!
    • Share Your Experiences event- Staff will share a short video clip or message about their experience within the LGBTQ+ community, or their experiences support a friend or family member.
    • Pride-themed work during Read and Debate and Numeracy within coaching.
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