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Unauthorised Absences and Attendance Expectations

Unauthorised absences, such as holidays taken during term time, may result in a fine from Leeds City Council. Attending school every day ensures that your child receives the best possible education.

Our Attendance Target: 97%

With your support, we can achieve our goal! Regular attendance is essential for learning and progress. Every lesson is important, and every missed school day can impact your child’s achievement and future opportunities.

Why is 97% Attendance Important?

Low attendance is linked to underachievement. Research shows that missing 17 school days per year can result in a student dropping one grade in each of their GCSE subjects. An attendance rate of 91.2% is equivalent to missing this amount of time.

Students who attend school more than 95% of the time are significantly more likely to achieve 5 GCSEs at grades A*-C, including English and Maths. Poor attendance can be the difference between passing or failing and securing a place on a chosen college course.

The Impact of Low Attendance

A Year 7 student with 90% attendance misses the equivalent of half a day of school every week. Over five years, this equates to missing half a year of education. An employer would view this level of absence as part-time employment.

For a Year 11 student, a 90% attendance rate means missing crucial lessons that can directly affect exam performance. Absences should only occur when absolutely unavoidable.

Students with under 93% attendance drop a level in each GCSE subject. Those with 95% or higher, make one or more sublevel of progress per year.

Legal Framework

Missing school for a family holiday significantly impacts a child’s learning. Two weeks of absence means missing 50 lessons, which cannot be fully recovered.

Under Section 7 of the Education Act 1996, parents are legally responsible for ensuring their child attends school regularly and punctually. Since 2013, legislation states that parents cannot take leave of absence during term time unless under exceptional circumstances. Family holidays, celebrations, or weddings do not qualify.

All leave requests must be submitted in writing to the Headteacher using a holiday request form. The Headteacher’s decision is final and cannot be appealed. If a student is taken out of school without approval, the absence will be marked as unauthorised, and we are legally required to inform Leeds and Bradford Local Authorities. A Penalty Notice Fine may be issued, or in serious cases, prosecution proceedings may take place.


Working Together to Improve Attendance

Students play an active role in improving attendance, supported by parents and carers. Regular and punctual attendance is crucial not only for academic success but also for developing responsible citizens.

How You Can Help

  • Always keep us informed. If your child cannot attend school, contact the Academy by 8:15 am to explain the reason for absence. Reception is open from 8:00 am for calls.

Academy Start Times

  • Monday, Wednesday, and Friday: Students must arrive by 8:30 am.

  • Tuesday and Thursday: Students must arrive by 9:00 am.

  • Arriving more than 30 minutes late will be recorded as an Unauthorised Late mark.

  • Late arrivals will result in detention on that day. 


Illness and Medical Absences

If your child is too ill to attend, please contact us before 8:15 am at 0113 3871886.

  • Keep us updated on your child’s progress daily.

  • We may require medical evidence (e.g.,GP appointment card or letter) to authorise absences.

  • If no notification is received, we will contact you via phone or text. In some cases, home visits may be conducted from the first day of absence. A home visit will occur by the third consecutive day of absence.

Religious and Cultural Celebrations

We respect and celebrate all faiths and cultures. Requests for leave for religious celebrations must be submitted in advance to the Headteacher. Unauthorised absences may result in legal action.

Holiday Leave in Term Time

There are 70 days of school holidays per year, and we expect all holidays to be taken during these times.

  • Requests for leave must be submitted in writing to the Headteacher and will be considered on an individual basis.

  • Leave is rarely granted during term time.

  • If a child is taken out of school without approval, the absence will be unauthorised, and we are legally required to inform the Local Authority. A Penalty Notice Fine may be issued, or prosecution proceedings may occur in serious cases.

Persistent Absence

We work closely with students and parents when attendance is a concern. Persistent absence is defined as:

  • Attendance below 91%.

  • Missing 3 days (or 6 half-day sessions) within a 30-day period.

If attendance is a concern, parents will be invited to a meeting with the Attendance Manager, Pastoral Leader, and Assistant Headteacher. After 10 unauthorised absence sessions, a Penalty Notice Warning may be issued by the Local Authority.

For further details, refer to our Attendance & Punctuality Policy.

Contact Information

If you have concerns or questions regarding attendance, please contact our team:

  • Assistant Principal – Attendance and Community Engagement: Siobhan Simms –

  • Attendance Manager: Donna Lynch –

  • Attendance Officers:

    • Beth Harrison –

    • Brooke Kemp –

By working together, we can remove attendance barriers and support your child’s success. Simply put, if they are not here – they cannot learn.