Thursday 22nd August: GCSE Results Day
Dear Parents and Carers,
I am writing to confirm the arrangements for our GCSE Results Day. We are very much looking forward to sharing results with students and celebrating their outcomes with them.
Results will be available to collect from 8:45am until 12:30pm on Thursday 22nd August.
Staff will be available on the day to support students with their Post 16 course choices. Christine Humberstone will also be available to provide careers advice to students.
Students should enter the building through the Lecture Theatre door, where they will collect their results. Students will then be directed into the Main Hall to speak to a member of staff who will confirm their chosen next step and signpost them to any further support required, including careers information, advice and guidance. Students will exit the building via the Main Hall.
For students who are not able to collect their results in person, a copy of their results can be emailed, via their Priesthorpe email account. Please can you inform the Exams Officer via email at if you would like to use this facility.
I hope you all enjoy the rest of the summer break and thank you, as ever, for your support. We are incredibly proud of the resilience, commitment, and progress that our students have shown and are looking forward to celebrating results that reflect their efforts.
Best regards,
Louise Pratt