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Equality Statement & Objectives 2024-2025

Equality Statement

At Co-op Academy Priesthorpe, we are committed to promoting equality and preventing discrimination in both employment and education provision. We create an inclusive environment, which inspires all students to love learning and leave with exceptional outcomes, motivated to contribute fully to life and their communities. We celebrate the fact that everyone is different yet valued, and make sure that everyone is treated with dignity and respect.

The academy believes in promoting co-operative values and is committed to:

  • Ensuring no student is left behind
  • Recognising and celebrating diversity
  • Encouraging everyone to take part and contribute within the academy and our community
  • Creating an environment which affirms and supports ethnic, cultural, religious and social diversity
  • Effectively promoting strong personal, community and race relations
  • Educating students about equality and diversity and where the academy pledges to meet the needs of all individuals

The Priesthorpe Equality & Diversity Policy relates to the equality of opportunity for students, aligns with and supports the above statements, and meets the requirements of The Equality Act 2010.

Equality Objectives 2024-2025

Objective 1: Quality of Education

To monitor assessment data at regular intervals to ensure that children are not being disadvantaged by belonging to a protected group.

This will be measured using comparative internal and external data.

a) All subject areas teach a culturally inclusive curriculum

b) To narrow the attainment gap between PP and non-PP students and ensure that barriers to achievement are tackled.

c) To analyse attainment data by all key student groupings in order to identify and address any issues of under-achievement at student group level.

c) To track destination data to ensure all students have equal opportunities to access further education / apprenticeships/ training or employment.

Objective 2: Behaviour and Attitudes 

Rigorously eliminate any discrimination and promote equality of opportunity for all pupils.  

Ensure that incidents including racism, homophobia, sexism and any other form of discrimination are dealt with promptly, sensitively and consistently with a particular focus on eliminating repeat offenders.

This will be measured using comparative school data.

Incidents are to be recorded and information shared between key staff members involved in the sanctioning and disciplining of students involved in discriminatory incidents.

Continue the use of the 4 stage Equality and Diversity incident system to this end and ensure that it is understood and supported by staff, including teaching and associate staff.

Objective 3: Personal Development

To continue to promote understanding and respect for diversity within the academy and academy community through enrichment opportunities and coaching/PSHE. This will be measured using student voice surveys and attendance data.

a) To promote spiritual, moral, social and cultural development through academy assemblies, educational trips/visits, external speakers, ‘Votes for Schools’, and extra-curricular provision with particular reference to issues of equality and diversity.

b) To increase understanding between religious groups.

c) To anticipate and support the needs of incoming students from a protected group e.g. EAL and Traveller students.

d) To develop and champion equality across the LGBTQ+ agenda so that the academy is fully inclusive.