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Health & Safety Policy

Policy details

Revised - 18/11/22

Approved by governors - 28/11/22

Next review date - 11/11/2023

Health & Safety Intent Statement

The academy is committed to the safety, health and well-being of all pupils, staff, parents and visitors, and will take all reasonable steps to provide a safe and healthy environment.

We believe effective health and safety is and must be clearly evident across the culture of our academy.

The expectation is that all members of our academy community support all aspects of our Health and Safety policy. Key elements of the policy are as follows:

Co-op Academy Priesthorpe

  • Will share the academy’s Health & Safety Policy with all employees.
  • Will take steps to ensure compliance with all relevant health and safety legislation.
  • Accepts its responsibilities as an employer and will provide adequate resources to implement this policy, including access to support from health and safety competent persons. Where necessary, external specialist advice and assistance will be obtained.
  • Accepts that health, safety and welfare are an integral part of all its activities and will take steps to manage these effectively.
  • Expects all employees and pupils to co-operate in complying with all legal obligations and to take reasonable care of their own health and safety and have regard for the health and safety of others.
  • Is committed to providing the necessary information, instruction and training to all employees and pupils, where applicable.
  • Acknowledges and actively supports the role and responsibilities of employee representatives and will give full cooperation to elected Safety Representatives of recognised Trade Unions to enable them to carry out their duties effectively.
  • Is committed to regular evaluation and review of its Health and Safety Policy to ensure its objectives are met and, as necessary, to modifying the policy in light of new legislation and other changing circumstances.
  • Will set out full details of the organisation and arrangements for the management of health and safety in the academy.

Disabled Persons including pupils with Special Educational Needs (SEN)

  • The academy will give full and proper consideration to the needs of disabled employees, pupils and visitors.

To achieve this, the academy will:

  • Treat all disabled employees, pupils and visitors with respect and dignity, both in the provision of a safe working environment and in equal access to the school’s facilities
  • Ensure that risk assessments are undertaken of the special needs of the disabled and carry out reasonable adjustments to the premises and/or employment arrangements
  • Encourage employees with special needs to suggest any premises or task improvements to their line managers
  • In an emergency evacuation, ensure suitable plans are in place which will assist disabled people to leave the premises swiftly.

Responsibilities for implementing and reviewing the academy’s Health and Safety Policy are detailed below:

  • The Academy Governing Council has responsibility for ensuring that the Health and Safety Policy is approved for use and that arrangements are in place for the academy to implement it. It is also responsible for strategic health and safety planning and for periodic reviews of health and safety performance.
  • The Principal is responsible to the Academy Governing Council for securing the full implementation of the academy’s Health and Safety Policy.
  • Members of the Academy Leadership Team (ALT) are responsible for ensuring that the requirements of this policy and all other legislative requirements are managed under the normal method of delegated powers and by establishing a system of appraisal of management performance against agreed health and safety performance indicators.
  • Subject/Faculty Leaders are responsible for ensuring that the requirements of this policy and legal requirements specific to their sphere of activity are implemented and monitored.
  • The Site Superintendent and the member of ALT responsible for their line management will advise Senior Leaders in the discharge of their responsibilities under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations

1999 and all other health and safety legislation, and for liaising with Leeds City Council’s Health and Safety Officers and enforcement officers such as HM Inspectors of the Health and Safety Executive and West Yorkshire Fire and Civil Defence Fire Officers.

  • Leeds Health and Safety Officers and Co-op Academies Trust appointed Health & Safety advisors are responsible for providing advice and support to the academy on all aspects of health and safety.

Additional Comments

The Academy’s Health and Safety Policy should be put in the context of its following policies and procedures: • Child Protection

  • Staff Handbook
  • Behaviour Policy
  • Educational Visits
  • Home-school agreement
  • Single Equality Scheme
  • Emergency Plan
  • Physical Restraint
  • The Co-op Academies Trust Covid 19 Operational Risk Assessment and other pertinentrisk assessments.
  • Reporting of Accidents
  • Fire Evacuation Plan

The Academy Leadership Team and Academy Governing Council (AGC) reviews Health and Safety via AGC meetings 2, 4 and 6.

Teaching and Associate Teams should regularly consider and review how they implement the academy’s policies.


The Academy’s Governing Council, Principal, senior staff and designated Health and Safety staff will take all reasonable steps to identify and reduce hazards to a minimum. To assist in this, all staff and pupils must be aware of their own and others personal safety, and in any of the Academy’s activities, both on and off site.


All employees must:

  • take reasonable care of their own safety
  • take reasonable care of the safety of others affected by their actions
  • adhere to the Health and Safety Practices
  • comply with the Health and Safety Policy
  • conform to all written or verbal instructions given to them to ensure their personal safety and the safety of others
  • dress sensibly and safely for their particular working environment or job role
  • conduct themselves in an orderly manner in the workplace and refrain from any antics or pranks
  • use all safety equipment and/or protective clothing as directed
  • avoid any improvisations of any form which could create an unnecessary risk to their personal safety and the safety of others
  • maintain all equipment in good condition and report defects to the Site Team and Health & Safety Lead
  • report any safety hazard or malfunction of any item of plant or equipment to the Site Team and Health and Safety Lead
  • report all accidents to their Line Manager and complete an Accident Report form whether an injury is sustained or not
  • attend, as requested, any Health and Safety training course
  • observe all stipulated procedures for processes, materials and substances used
  • observe the Fire Evacuation Procedure and the position of all fire equipment and fire exit routes


All students must:

  • cooperate with Teachers and academy staff on health and safety matters
  • not interfere with anything provided to safeguard their own health and safety
  • take reasonable care of their own health and safety
  • report all health and safety concerns to a Teacher

Health & Safety Practices:

Working Practices

  • Employees must not operate any item of plant or equipment unless they have been trained and authorised.
  • Employees must make full and proper use of all equipment guarding.
  • Employees must not clean any moving item of plant or equipment unless they have been trained and authorised.
  • Employees must not make any repairs or carry out maintenance work of any description unless trained and authorised to do so.
  • Employees must use all substances, chemicals, liquids etc, in accordance with all written instructions.
  • Employees must not smoke whilst on academy premises.

Hazard / Warning Signs and Notices

●        Employees must comply with all hazard/warning signs and notices displayed on the premises.

Working Conditions / Environment

  • Employees must make proper use of all equipment and facilities provided to control working conditions/ environment.
  • Employees must keep stairways, corridors, classrooms and work areas clear and in a clean and tidy condition.
  • Employees must dispose of all rubbish, scrap and waste materials using the facilities provided.
  • Employees must clear up any spillage or liquids in the prescribed manner.
  • Employees must deposit all waste materials and substances at the correct disposal points and in the prescribed manner.

Protective Clothing and Equipment

  • Employees must use all items of protective clothing/equipment provided as instructed.
  • Employees must store and maintain protective clothing/equipment in the approved manner.
  • Employees must report any damage, loss, fault or unsuitability of protective clothing/equipment to their line manager, Site Team and Health and Safety Lead.

Fire Precautions

  • Employees must comply with all laid down emergency procedures in the Academy Fire Evacuation Plan.
  • Employees must not obstruct any fire escape route, fire equipment or fire doors.
  • Employees must not misuse any fire-fighting equipment provided.
  • Employees must report any use of fire-fighting equipment to the Site Team/Health and Safety Lead.
  • Employees must inform the academy’s Health and Safety Lead if they require a Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan (PEEP).
  • All electrical equipment is regularly PAT tested by a nominated competent person. Employees are responsible for making visual checks of electrical items and reporting any damage to the Site Team.
  • Employees must not bring into the academy any personal electrical items for use unless agreed in advance with a member of the Site Team/Health & Safety Lead and PAT tested before use.
  • Employees wishing to purchase electrical items for their department must liaise with the Site Team/Health & Safety Lead. A risk assessment will be completed and if the appliance is approved for use will be added to the Electrical Items Inventory to monitor for PAT testing.
  • Employees must not overload plug sockets.

Accidents & First Aid

Employees must seek medical treatment for work related injuries they receive by contacting a designated First Aider.

A list of First Aiders is displayed in key areas around the building. The Academy has Six appointed First Aiders who have completed the 3 day, First Aid at Work plus AED training course through an approved provider: The Office Manager, Year 8 Manager, Learning Manager, Science Technician, Behaviour Support Worker and a Progress Assistant

Four other appointed Academy staff have completed the 1 day, Emergency First Aid at Work course through an approved provider. These are four members of the Academy Leadership Team: The Principal, Vice Principal, two Assistant Principals.

Seventeen staff have completed a Mental Health First Aid two day training course through an approved provider. These include all members of the Academy Leadership Team, the Faculty Leader of English, Subject Leader of Drama, two HR Officers, a SEND HLTA, and three members of teaching staff.

Records are kept with the Office Manager and Health & Safety Lead who monitor refresher-training requirements.

An Academy Operational Risk Assessment is carried out to identify Academy needs. All First Aiders have a First Aid Kit at their disposal. Employees must report all accidents to their line manager and fill out an Accident Report form; the Office Manager in the Front Office keeps these records. All First Aid Incidents/accidents are uploaded to the Trust’s/Academy Parago system.

The academy has a designated First Aid area in the Front Office which is fully equipped according to government guidance. Hand washing facilities are available using the small sink provided. A lockable cupboard is provided to store medicines and a fridge for ice packs and cold storage. The area is cleaned every evening. Records are kept of First Aid equipment. The Office Manager completes a half-term audit.

All near misses must be reported to the Principal as soon as possible so that action can be taken to investigate the causes and to prevent recurrence.

Employees must notify their line manager, Site Team and Health & Safety Lead management of any incident in which damage is caused to property.


Employees must report to the academy HR Manager and their line manager management any illness, medical condition or medication which could affect the safety of themselves or others. Employees must cooperate with the academy on the implementation of medical and occupational health provisions.


  • An accident is an unplanned event that causes injury to persons, damage to property or a combination of both.
  • A near miss/incident is an unplanned event that does not cause injury or damage but could do so.
  • A work-related illness is a prescribed illness that is obtained by an employee through the course of work or from a non-employee because of activities carried out by the Academy.

Academy Transport

  • Drivers must carry out prescribed checks of vehicles prior to use and in conjunction with the laid down checking procedure.
  • Employees must not drive or operate any vehicles for which they do not hold the appropriate driving licence or permit.
  • Employees must not carry unauthorised passengers or unauthorised loads.
  • Employees must not use vehicles for unauthorised purposes.
  • Employees must not load vehicles above the stated capacity.
  • Employees must not drive or operate vehicles whilst suffering from a medical condition or illness that may affect their driving or operating ability.
  • Employees must not drive whilst using a mobile phone or any other electronic device.

Trips and Visits

Routine visits, such as use of a local library, sports fixtures with local schools, other visits to local schools, theatre trips, museum visits etc are to be approved by the Principal and nominated EVC.

Non-routine visits involving adventurous activities and/or overnight stays, and/or foreign travel, for example outward bound centres, theme parks, MFL trips overseas, D of E expeditions, water sports, residential stays are to be approved by the Principal, nominated EVC, the Chair of the local governing body and          the Trust CEO through the Regional Director. 

Employees must liaise with the Academy Educational Visits Coordinator and complete all online forms and risk assessments using EVOLVE and in accordance with the Academy Educational Visits Policy.

Food Hygiene & Allergies

All staff involved in food preparation must have a Level 1 Food Hygiene and Allergy Awareness certificate, and be aware of student and staff allergy information. This will include staff who lead residential visits, run breakfast and afterschool clubs, and Food Technology teachers and technicians.


The school will protect employees, pupils and other persons potentially exposed to asbestos as far as is reasonably practicable. Everyone who needs to know about the presence of asbestos will be alerted. No one will be allowed to start any work that could disturb asbestos unless the correct procedures are to be employed. The Site Superintendent, Health and Safety Lead, and Health and Safety Governor link will carry out regular checks of any areas where asbestos containing materials are present.

Where a problem arises relating to the condition of asbestos-containing material, employees must inform the Site Team and Health and Safety Lead.

Communication and Consultation

The school has established effective lines of communication so as to involve and consult our employees.

These include:

  • Individual conversations with employees and Trade Union Representatives.
  • Notice boards.
  • Staff newsletter.
  • Staff meetings
  • Health and Safety meetings.
  • In addition, the academy displays the Health and Safety Law – ‘What You Need to Know’ poster on the Notice Board in the staff room.

Failure to comply with this policy may result in appropriate disciplinary action.