Explore Our Curriculum
Explore our curriculum intent, implementation, impact and long term plans by clicking on the faculties below.
You will find more information about how each subject area is bringing our knowledge rich offer to life. This information includes an intent statement for each subject, which sets out the ambition of the curriculum and broadly, what students can expect to learn.
It also includes an implementation statement, which provides an overview of how we deliver the curriculum in each subject area. And, finally a statement around the expected impact of our curriculum. This summarises our student’s entitlement, what it is they should expect to be able to do and know through engaging with our curriculum offer.
For an even closer look at the content covered within our curriculum you can also click on and view the progression map and long term plans for each subject. There is a guide to some of the language used within the documents below. If you have any questions or would like to know more about our curriculum then please email info@cooppriesthorpe.co.uk and mark it for the attention of Mrs Pratt, our Vice Principal and Curriculum Lead.