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Performance Data

Principal Louise Pratt said:

'We are proud to celebrate the 2023 outcomes with our Year 11 students and their families. The overall Progress 8 figure is above national figures for academies nationally for the second consecutive year, following a sustained 4 year upward trend in attainment and achievement.'


Headlines 2023 

Overall Progress 8: 0

English Progress 8 Basket: -0.16

Maths Progress 8 Basket: +0.53

Ebacc Progress 8 Basket: +0.19

Open Progress 8 Basket: -0.07

Overall Attainment 8: 46.2

The proportion of students achieving a Grade 4 or higher in English and Maths was 67.4%.

The proportion of students achieving a Grade 5 or higher in English and Maths was 47.7%.

The proportion of students achieving the Ebacc, with a Grade 4 or higher in all subjects, was 19.2%.

The proportion of students achieving the Ebacc, with a Grade 5 or higher in all subjects, was 15%.


72.5% of our students achieved a Standard Pass, Grade 4, or higher.

57.5% of our students achieved a Strong Pass, Grade 5, or higher.


76.2% of our students achieved a Standard Pass, Grade 4, or higher.

56.5% of our students achieved a Strong Pass, Grade 5, or higher.

Year 11 Destinations 

Our Year 11 Destinations data is as follows:

  • 2.6% NEET
  • 90.7% in Further Education, including 28.5% in our own sixth form and
  • 6.7% in Apprenticeships or employment.

Post 16 

At Post 16 we are celebrating strong outcomes across a range of different subjects including, BTEC Diploma and Extended Certificate in Health and Social Care, Cambridge Technical IT, A Level Criminology, A Level RE, A Level English Literature, BTEC Diploma in Business, A Level Sociology, A Level Applied Science and A Level Psychology. All have outcomes above national figures. 

The average grade for Applied General courses is a Merit = For A Level courses it is a grade D+. 

We are delighted that 75% of Year 13 students completing in 2023 have progressed to university and 5% to apprenticeships. 10% have secured employment, 5% have made the decision to take a gap year and 5% remain in further education. Our Post 16 retention figure is 87%.

DfE Compare School Performance Tables

More information can be found in the School Performance Tables

Exam Boards

For further information regarding specific examinations or exam board, useful links are listed below: