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Headteacher's Welcome

I have been a Senior Leader at Priesthorpe since 2011, and have been incredibly proud to serve its community ever since.


There have been countless highlights during my time at Priesthorpe. I have been privileged to see students achieve exceptional grades and go on to study at top universities including, Leeds, Manchester, Oxford, and Cambridge, and in summer 2022, we achieved our best ever progress and attainment outcomes.

I have also been humbled to watch students overcome significant challenges, and, through their resilience, achieve great things. Excellent grades are one part of our students’ journey. Becoming hard-working, kind, and compassionate young adults, ready to contribute positively to life in their communities and beyond, is just as important to us.

Priesthorpe joined the Co-op Academies Trust in July 2017. For us, this felt like a natural choice. Co-operative values, such as equity, equality, and self-responsibility were already at the heart of our everyday decision-making. Joining the Trust has enabled us to sharpen our focus on these values even further. When you visit Priesthorpe, we expect you to be able to see, hear and feel these values brought to life.

We have sky-high expectations of our students and believe that everyone can achieve great things. As a community of staff, students, parents, and carers, we have the team we need to make these great things happen.

Louise Pratt


"The development of a strong Priesthorpe community is at the heart of leaders' vision for this school."

Ofsted 2024