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Dear Parent(s)* 


I am writing to inform you of the new National Framework for Penalty Notices, which comes into effect from the 19 August 2024 following publication of the DfE’s Working together to improve school attendance (applies from 19 August 2024) DFE Attendance Guidance

The full document can be accessed by clicking the link (above). However, I have summarised the key changes for all families applying for special leave during term time, below: 

  • Per parent, per child: Penalty Notices will now be issued to each parent, for each child that is absent (e.g. 3 siblings absent for term time leave would result in each parent receiving 3 separate fines). 

  • 5 consecutive days of term time leave: Penalty Notices will be issued for term time leave of 5 or more consecutive days. Inset training days can be included in this period where there was intent to be absent for term time leave. Penalty Notices will be considered when there have been 5 days of absence in a 10-week period. 

  • First offence: The first time a Penalty Notice is issued for term time leave or irregular attendance, the amount will be £160 per parent, per child (if paid within 28 days). This amount will be reduced to £80 per parent, per child if paid within 21 days. 

  • Second offence (within 3 years): The second time a penalty notice is issued for term time leave or irregular attendance, the amount will be £160 per parent, per child (if paid within 28 days). 

  • Third offence and any further offences (within 3 years): This will not result in a penalty notice and will instead be presented straight to Magistrates Court. Magistrates Court fines can be up to £2500 per parent, per child. Cases found guilty in Magistrates Court can show on the parent’s future DBS certificate due to failure to safeguard a child’s education. 

I would like to take this opportunity to make you aware that the changes are being applied to all schools across the Country and are in no way the result of any decisions made by our school or Co-op Academies Trust. 

*The term ‘parent’ includes any person or body with parental responsibility such as a foster parent, carer, guardian or local authority.

Yours faithfully, 

Louise Pratt


*The term ‘parent’ includes any person or body with parental responsibility such as a foster parent, carer, guardian or local authority