A Level Results Day
Dear Parents and Carers,
I am writing to inform you about our A level Results Day that will take place during the summer holidays on Thursday 15th August. We are very much looking forward to sharing the results with students and celebrating some really positive outcomes on the day.
Thursday 15th August - A level Results Day
Year 13: A level results will be handed out from 8.30am until 12.30pm for Year 13 Students. The Post-16 Team will be available from 8.30am until 2pm on this day to support students with their university choices and other destinations. Christine Humberstone will also be available to provide independent careers advice to students.
For those students who have applied to university, they will be able to access their university offers on the morning of Thursday 15th August via UCAS from 8am. This will inform them if they have been accepted, subject to meeting their offer entry requirements, for either their first or second choice university. If students are unable to access UCAS on the morning of the 15th August or do not have confirmed offers, then we recommend they come into the Academy, from 8.30am onwards, so the Post-16 team can support them with this.
Unable to collect Results: For students who are not able to collect their results in person, please email the Exams Officer on exam.priesthorpe@coopacademies.co.uk before 19th July to inform him that you would like your results emailed to you on 15th August.
Year 12: Students who sat individual examination modules during Year 12 can collect these from 10.30 am until 12 noon on the 15th August. The Post 16 Team will be available from 10.30 until 1pm to have discussions with students about any implications that these results may have on progression from Year 12 to Year 13 courses. Further discussions may also need to take place with Subject Leaders, which may delay final decisions being made on that day. Christine Humberstone will also be available to provide independent careers advice to students. Year 12 students continuing into Year 13 will begin their new academic year on Tuesday 3rd September.
Thursday 22nd August: GCSE Results Day:
Year 12/13 students that have retaken GCSE Maths and/or English Language GCSE can collect their results from 9am until 12 noon on Thursday 22nd August.
On both days, students should enter the building through the Lecture Theatre door, where they will collect their results. Students will be directed into the main hall to speak to a member of staff who will confirm their next steps and signpost to any further support required. Students will exit the building via the main hall.
I hope you all enjoy the summer break when it arrives and thank you, as ever, for your support and cooperation during the last two years. We are incredibly proud of the resilience, commitment and progress that our students have shown during their time in the Sixth Form and we sincerely hope that their results demonstrate their efforts in the summer. I would also like to take this opportunity to thank Mrs Brennan, Sixth Form Manager for the support and guidance that she has provided to our students over the last four years. Mrs Brennan will be moving on to a new role in September and we wish her all the best in her new position.
Yours faithfully,
F Brigham
Key Stage 5 Leader