Changes to Academy Uniform Expectations
Dear Parents/Guardians,
At Co-op Academy Priesthorpe, we believe uniform is an important part of our academy's identity. It reinforces who we are as a community, and helps students feel proud to be a part of Co-op Academy Priesthorpe.
In response to feedback and to support parents, carers, and students, we have made the following changes to our Behaviour for Learning policy:
Footwear must be 100% black (no additional colours). Shoes with brand logos on the side are allowed, as long as the entire shoe, including the sole, is 100% black (no additional colours, including any white flecks or logos).
Black, appropriate-length skirts.
Black trousers (no jeans, jeggings, leggings, trousers with studs, or cargo trousers).
Earrings must be studs only. Necklaces should be worn underneath the school uniform.
No facial piercings except for a single nose stud. Nose rings are not permitted.
You can find our updated Behaviour for Learning policy here.
Please be mindful that not following the school's uniform policy could result in school sanctions being issued and your child borrowing our spare uniform. I hope the information above is helpful, as we approach the summer break.
Thank you very much for your support in upholding our uniform expectations.
Best regards,
Liam King
Vice Principal (Behaviour and Attitudes)