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Martin Blacoe to leave in July after 12 years leading Priesthorpe

Dear Parents and Carers,

I hope you’re all well and looking forward to the summer holidays. I wanted to share some important news
with you. At the end of the current Term, I’ll be stepping down from my role as Joint Principal at Co-op
Academy Priesthorpe.

Leading Priesthorpe over the last 12 years has been the most humbling and rewarding experience of what
has been a 30 year career teaching in Leeds Secondary schools. Priesthorpe is a very special and unique
community. I have loved working with our incredible team of staff, you, as supportive parents and carers,
and, most importantly, our fantastic students. Seeing them grow, both personally and educationally, into
young adults, ready to thrive in their own communities and beyond, has been deeply moving.

There are countless highlights during my time serving the academy; too many to mention. I was delighted
that Ofsted, in February this year, captured the true essence of Priesthorpe. The first line of their inspection
report reads, “Pupils at Coop Academy Priesthorpe are proud to be part of an inclusive community”. One
sentence, which highlights our absolute commitment to enable all our students, no matter what challenges
they face, to be their brilliant best.

Louise Pratt, who has taught at Priesthorpe for over 20 years, and has worked, hand in hand with me in the
Senior Leadership Team, will take over as Principal in September. She is a fabulous Leader, whose passion
for improving the life chances of every one of our students, shines through, every day. She will take
Priesthorpe forwards on the next chapter of its journey from good to great.

I want to thank the Coop Academies Trust, whose values we align incredibly closely with, and who have
helped to accelerate our school improvement journey. I’m delighted to have the opportunity to continue
working for the Trust, from September, in a new role as their Director of Coaching and Supervision.
Thank you all for your support over my time in post. It has been a genuine honour to serve you and our
community. I’m proud of what we’ve achieved, as a team, and am sure the academy will go from strength to

Best regards,

Martin Blacoe
Joint Principal
Co-op Academy Priesthorpe