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News and Letters

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  • A message for our Year 8 students!

    Published 08/07/20

    Our Year 8 Manager, Mrs Lee, has a message for her pupils.

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  • Fairtrade Fortnight

    Published 11/03/20

    We had a busy fortnight learning about Fairtrade earlier this month. Students took part in lots of activities where they worked with Fairtrade products/produce. The topic was covered in assemblies and coaching for all years groups.

    Students ran a Fairtrade chocolate stall during their break time. Students could buy Fairtrade chocolate products and also do some chocolate tasting! The stall raised just over £60 in just 25 minutes! The money is all going back to


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  • School of Rock – London Visit

    Published 11/03/20

    Our Head of Music, Mr Berry supervised a trip to London! Mr Berry said; “We took our Y9 Music class to London in February to watch the School of Rock on the West End. Their behaviour and etiquette throughout was impeccable and they made the trip a successful and enjoyable one.

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  • Jamie’s Farm

    Published 04/02/20

    Our students had a fantastic stay at Jamie’s Farm! They spent 5 nights in Monmouth, Wales, living and working on a farm.

    They started every morning feeding the farmyard animals and caring for the chickens, cows, sheep, pigs and horses. While some students were feeding, others were back at the farmhouse preparing a two course breakfast to fuel them for the day!

    Afternoons were spent maintaining the farm, repairing fences, building log stores, grooming the horses and even sheep herding! Every evening they had a night walk that required resilience, teamwork and grit.

    The experience certainly put everyone through their paces!

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  • Partnership Group

    Published 05/07/19

    Our year 10 Partnership Group have been working on creating short pieces of narrative writing using a common setting as a stimulus. The Partnership group really embraced this topic and threw everything at at it! They tried to engage their audience with a variety of language techniques such as similes, metaphors, pathetic fallacy and personification.

    “I was so proud of their efforts!” – Mrs Fahy 

    The students were given the below picture of a bridge in a woodland setting.  They took this as inspiration to write a short piece of creative writing which was later compiled into an anthology. Please click the link to view the fantastic work which was produced.

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  • Parent, Student and Staff survey – Foretel Results

    Published 11/01/19

    Last year saw our first Parent, Student and Staff survey since joining Co-op Academies Trust.

    We received invaluable feedback from over 30% of our parent body.

    Over the last 12 months, we have focused on improving the areas which were identified as needing attention.

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