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Computer Science & Media


Curriculum Intent

  • In Computer Science we provide an ambitious and exciting knowledge-rich curriculum for students, filled with opportunities to experience new things, learn, grow, reflect and question the world around them.

Our curriculum is designed to ensure all of our students:

  • develop knowledge and cultural capital to understand, engage with and influence the world around them by exploring and evaluating a range of unfamiliar technologies 
  • are able to use, select, experiment and combine a range of technologies, understanding and applying the fundamental principles and concepts of computer science in order to achieve exceptional outcomes regardless of age, gender, ability, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation or economic circumstances
  • are successful in entering the world of training, education or employment equipped with the necessary digital skills, knowledge, resilience, confidence and self-esteem to succeed as active members of society. 
  • have high aspirations and know how they can achieve them by analysing problems in computational terms and having practical experience of programming techniques.


Curriculum Implementation

Expert subject and pedagogical knowledge that delivers;

  • An exploration of core and gateway concepts, using methods of delivery that are rooted in the science behind the acquisition of knowledge, including first class guided, deliberate and independent practice. 
  • Interactive lessons to allow students to become more vocal about their work and increase subject knowledge through literacy widening of subject specialist vocabulary. 
  • Reinforcement of knowledge that deepens understanding and promotes the transition from novice to expert learners, with fluent comprehension and application of specialist vocabulary, often using collaborative work to generate ideas, solidify key concepts and to feedback and improve
  • Skillful checking for understanding through effective questioning, including ‘pitstops’, that is designed to anticipate errors and tackle misconceptions head on.


Curriculum Impact

The subject intent is delivered in Computer Science through high quality planning that has clear end points focussed on the core knowledge required at each stage of the learning journey and is skillfully sequenced to address gaps and secure strong progress.

Our students will:

  • Use technology responsibly, understanding what is and isn’t appropriate and have the confidence and ability to report any perceived misuse of technology.
  • Be inquisitive learners, keen to experience new things by engaging in all opportunities afforded to them, thus increasing their cultural capital.
  • Be empowered with the knowledge and skills needed to make an active contribution to society and to enter the world of work.
  • Enjoy and value the curriculum we deliver which in turn will allow for greater independence, development of computational thinking skills and appreciation for the technology around them
  • Discuss, reflect and appreciate the impact computing has on their learning, development and well being. 


Long term Plans