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Year 7 to Year 11

Deadline to apply for a Year 7 place – 31 October

For places in any year

You should apply on your local authority website.
We admit up to 225 students in Year 7 every year.

Move to us from another school

If you want to move school, get in touch and we can help you get started. You can complete this online on your council’s website:

For support with this, please contact the in-year transfer team –

We are part of our local authority’s in-year admissions co-ordination scheme.



Key Dates

If your child is starting secondary school in September 2023

The deadline for September 2023 admissions has passed.
To make a late application, contact –

If your child is starting secondary school in September 2024

When to apply: 1 August – 31 October 2023
Find out your school place: 1 March 2024
Start Year 7: September 2024

Oversubscription Criteria

We admit up to 225 students in Year 7 each year – this is our PAN (Pupil Admission Number). If fewer than this apply, we offer a place to all applicants.

Children with an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) will be admitted to the school named on their plan. These children are assigned places before the oversubscription criteria is applied.

We follow the Leeds Local Authority oversubscription criteria. This criteria has now been updated to include: “Children who were in state care outside of England and were then adopted”. We will consult on this new criteria in time for our September 2023 intake, so this criteria won’t apply for children starting at our academy in September 2022.

Leeds Local Authority may need evidence that you meet the priority criteria below.

When there are more applicants than places available

Priority 1

  1. Children in public care or fostered under an arrangement made by the local authority or children previously looked after by a Local Authority
  2. Pupils without an EHC plan, but who have Special Educational Needs, or with exceptional medical or mobility needs – that can only be met at Co-op Academy Priesthorpe

Priority 2

Children with a sibling who’ll start school at the start of the academic year and are living at the same address

Priority 3

Children who live in the catchment area for Priesthorpe (as defined by Leeds City Council)

Find your catchment area here –

Priority 4

All other children

Tie Breaks

When there’s more children meeting these priorities than places available, we offer places based on distance. Those living closer to the school will be offered a place (when measured in a straight line)


If you require any help, your local Council website has lots of information about the process. You can also contact us.

Leeds City Council Admissions Website
Leeds City Council Admissions Helpline – 0113 222 4414