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Meet the Staff

Year 7 Support Team

Mrs Cronshaw - Key Stage 3 Leader

Mrs Cronshaw’s role includes coordinating the programme of academic and  pastoral support, working closely with a team of staff in Year 6-9, which secures high outcomes for all. Part of this role is to ensure that students in Year 6 feel confident and comfortable when making the transition to high school. 

Mrs Newsome - Assistant Key Stage 3 Leader

Mrs Newsome supports the transition team in ensuring that all students feel confident and comfortable when making the transition to high school. Mrs Newsome will also monitor the academic progress of the students in the year group and lead interventions and support to ensure the achievement of high quality outcomes for all.

Mr Webster - Year 7 Manager

The Year 7 Manager ensures that all students in the year group feel happy, safe and secure whilst at school. Pastoral care is central to building confidence in students’ learning environment so they can thrive.

Miss Hardcastle - Emotional Wellbeing Officer

The Emotional Wellbeing Officer is there to support any student in school, making them feel happy, safe and confident to handle any challenge. She will provide lots of emotional and safeguarding support to ensure all students are safe at school and at home.  She can also signpost or refer for further support.

Student Support Team

The wider student support team is dedicated to ensuring student wellbeing and promoting positive behaviour and attitudes. This team includes; Behaviour Support Workers, a Room for Improvement Manager, Room for Reflection Manager and external support from Impact North.

Academy Leadership Team

Mrs Pratt – Principal | 

Mrs Pratt’s key responsibilities include planning a school curriculum that is fully inclusive and meets the needs of all our learners. The curriculum in Year 7 is designed to aid transition from primary school. From this foundation, students are introduced to new subjects and are helped to develop skills in the context of more specialist areas. Literacy and numeracy are essential for preparing students for Key Stage 4 and beyond and therefore, supporting and developing students’ skills in these areas is a central focus.

Miss Moss - Vice Principal | Teaching and Learning

Miss Moss’ role is to lead the continued professional development of staff to  ensure all students have access to high quality teaching and learning. This includes supporting staff to develop their classroom practices in a creative and   inspiring way that is underpinned by a determination to maintain the highest  standards in teaching and learning.

Mr L King - Vice principal | Behaviour and Attitudes

Mr King works closely with pastoral and curriculum leaders to maintain a fully inclusive learning community for all of our students. Working with our SEND Coordinator to develop personalised programmes that support individual learning needs providing a safe and inclusive learning community.

Mr C Chapman - Assistant Headteacher | Student Development

Mr Chapman leads on the systems in school which promote positive relationships and student development. Coaching, rewards, extracurricular activities and house competitions are all vital enrichment opportunities. This involves the coordination of PSHCE and Personal Development Days to create a cohesive programme that supports students’ personal development.