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Fairtrade Fortnight

Fairtrade Fortnight 2021 took place 22nd February – 7th March. Our students got involved in activities and competitions in school and at home!

We choose Fairtrade. #ItsWhatWeDo

Maddie (Year 9) submitted an amazing Fairtrade Chocolate cake.

Mae Gower (Year 11) entered her cake, calling it ‘High Hope – a cake that will give you confidence’!

Both won a Fairtrade Baking Hamper – well done girls!

Students submitted their Fairtrade advertisement designs on a vinyl record. The two winning designs were from Kai (Year 9) and Philip (Year 9). Both were so creative, they received a Fairtrade gift bag as a prize!

A number of students across the academy participated in a Fairtrade Quiz and students enjoyed Fairtrade bananas along with their free breakfast in school.

Staff supported our Fairtrade campaign by hosting coaching sessions, joining live assemblies and donating £46.75 to our Fairtrade donation boxes!

Thank you to everyone for participating!