End of Term Letter from the Principal
Dear Parents and Guardians,
What a lovely way to end the term! As a Year 10 Coach I attended the Rewards Assembly on Monday. It was fantastic to see so many students recognised for their great attendance, high quality work, brilliant effort in class and always doing the right thing - even when nobody's watching. I could not have been more proud to celebrate the 100+ students, just in Year 10, receiving rewards. The Rewards Assemblies will continue this week for all year groups. Well done to every winner.
As a school, our focus this year is on the design and delivery of the curriculum to ensure our students achieve the highest possible grades. We are committed to excellence for all of our students. We are also working hard to strengthen the partnership between home and school and have been incredibly pleased with our first two Meet Your Coach and Teacher Days (MYCAT) for Year 7 and Year 11. Attendance at both events was incredibly high. We see this as an important part of strengthening that relationship and sharing key information to support success.
There have been so many great things going on this term. I would encourage you to follow us on Facebook and X for all the latest news. Stories are also shared on our website. Some of the highlights for me include the trip to Jamie’s Farm, The Basecamp trip to Malham and Derwent Water, the STEM trip to PricewaterhouseCoopers and the Year 11 field work in Leeds for our Geographers.
The rehearsals are well under way for our production of Annie this year and I am excited for this and other future events. I am thrilled that we have been able to reintroduce the Ski Trip into our extra curriculum programme. It has been a while since we offered this and there has been a great deal of interest. Other overseas trips include the Normandy Trip and the Trenches Trip. We are lucky to have such a dedicated team of staff who continue to enhance the curriculum with such a wide range of experiences for our students.
This half term has been long and incredibly productive. The energy and enthusiasm across all year groups has been fantastic. I hope everyone enjoys a well-deserved rest, ready to return refreshed for the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead next term. Thank you for your ongoing support and have a wonderful break.
Warmest wishes
Louise Pratt