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Year 8 visit to London

Year 8 visit to London

Dear Parents/Carers,

We are delighted to announce details of our upcoming Year 8 trip to London. Students will be given a fantastic opportunity to experience the London Eye and  take in the sites of London via a River Cruise along the River Thames. They will then take a short walk past some of the major historic landmarks of our capital city such as Big Ben, the Houses of Parliament and Buckingham Palace. This is a brilliant experience for all pupils and one we are sure they will remember for a long time to come.

We are opening the trip up to all students in Year 8. Because of the number of students involved, we will be running the trip on two separate dates.
Trip details





Monday 1st July or Wednesday 3rd July 



For students eligible for the Pupil Premium, the total cost will be reduced by 50%

Please note deposits are non-refundable. If a student is unable to take part in the trip after more money has been paid, the school may be able to recover costs on the student's behalf, however this cannot be guaranteed.

Travel arrangements

We will be travelling on coaches, using Star Travel. We will set off from the academy at 5.30am and plan to leave London at approximately 4.30pm. Arrival back at the academy is estimated at 9.30pm. 

What to do next

If your child would like to participate in the trip, please complete the attached form and return it to our Year 8 Year Manager, Mr Wainwright by Friday 7th June. Once the reply slip is completed, you will need to pay an initial deposit of £10 by 7th June. Payment details are listed below. 

Please note, all payments must be made via ParentPay. There will also be an option to pay in full if you wish to. 


Minimum balance

7th June

£10 deposit

26th June


On the day of travel, your child will need to wear clothes appropriate for the weather and comfortable footwear. Your child will need to bring a packed lunch with them as there is limited availability to purchase food during the trip. For those pupils eligible a packed lunch and tea will be provided by the academy, and students may bring any spending money for the trip. Students and staff will eat their lunch in Jubilee Gardens. A short stop will be made to allow students to purchase food at a service station on the journey back, should they wish to do so. 

We very much hope your child can join us on what is sure to be a memorable trip for all involved.

Yours sincerely,

Mr Chris Chapman 

Assistant Principal: Student Development

Please complete this reply form and return to Mr Wainwright  by Friday 7h June.

I would like my child to go on the forthcoming educational school trip to London. I have paid a non-refundable deposit of £10 via ParentPay.

Name of Child:  ____________________________________________

Coaching Group:  __________

Name of Parent / Guardian: ___________________________________

Signature of Parent / Guardian: ________________________________

Email Address: ____________________________________________________

Contact Telephone Number: __________________________________

Date: __________